北から南へ下る高低差3m ほどのこの場所からは、南西側から北東側にかけて那須の樹海や八溝山麓を望むことが出来る。先に“視界のひらけた”と記したのは、このあたりは雑木林を拓いた別荘地の景観とは異なり、丘陵地ならではの地形が遠くまで見渡せるような場所であるためだ。そこを流れる風やふりそそぐ光は、高い木立ちや周辺の家屋に邪魔されることはない。
それらをより素直に受け入れる仕組みが必要である。この地をはじめて訪れた時、そう直感した。 プランを構成するアイディアは至ってシンプルだ。まずはそれぞれの空間が対峙すべき方向を見定めて、それに従った。日中の活動が主になるリビングやダイニングなどのパブリックな空間は南に、目覚めた時に朝の太陽を浴びるように寝室や客室などは東に、といった具合だ。ゲストハウスとしての役割も考慮しつつ、パブリックな空間は1 階とし、プライベートな空間は2 階となるようにグルーピングを行ない、積み重なるように立体的な十字型に配置した。そうすることで内部空間のどこからも外部への視界を確保する構成が可能になる。
House in Nasu
The planning area lies on a small hill with a wide-open view near the Nasu Imperial Villa. You can gaze upon the sea of trees in Nasu, and the bottom of Mt. Yamizo from the Southwest side to the Northeast side from this area, with an elevation difference of 3 m from the upper North side and the lower South side. The reason why I have noted this “wide-open view” above is because this area is different than the scenery of villas made by a cultivated coppice. It is rather a place, which allows you to see a typical geographical formation of a far off hilly area. The wind and light that come through are not obstructed by the higher trees or surrounding houses.
The structure that simply accepts this environment is necessary. That’s how I felt when I first visited this area.
The ideas to organize the plans were quite simple. First, I recognized the formation where each space would stand, and I followed my idea. For example, the public spaces such as the living and dining rooms where daytime activities mainly will be held should be located in the South.
The bedrooms and the guest rooms should be in the East so that they can catch the morning sunlight when the tenants wake up. While considering the role of a guesthouse, I sorted the space into a few groups: the public space should be on the 1st floor, the private space should be on the 2nd floor. I organized them into a layered three-dimensional cross shape. Now the structure is able to maintain the field of view outside from any point inside. “The vacancy of view” is created in any direction around the building.
Through the pilotis and the roofs, the scenery of the woods and the sky is reflected. The people will be able to have a closer relationship with nature. With a few adjustments like these, I have created a flare spot (hikari mura) and a heat spot (netsu mura) that consistently fluctuate depending on the weather and time of day inside and outside of the building. This gives a comfort and character to the space. For the inside residential space, I decided to make a three-dimensional open floor plan with the well hole installed in the center of the cross shaped formation. I sought the flexibility to embrace both the ease of daily life, in which the tenants can see everywhere in the building, and the activities they enjoy while on vacation. In order to keep the absolute requirement of blocking out the winter
構造:RC造一部木造 地下1階地上2階
掲載:『レンシュポルト no.15 2011年6月号』ネコパブリッシング
『新建築住宅特集 2011年5月号』新建築社
『ガレージのある家 vol.19』ネコパブリッシング
『Real Design 2010年5月号』エイ出版
『モダンリビング 2010年2月号』ハースト婦人画報社
『DESIGN BOOM』(Web Magazine)